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STAY GOLDEN is a YouTube channel of original video content inspired by The Golden Girls. Spreading laughter, joy, knowledge and friendship with our work, we use Dorothy, Blanche, Sophia and Rose and all their story lines and adventures to create new videos every week! Launched in 2015, the channel is now 4 years old and still producing new weekly content.
We have a variety of playlists for all types of fans out there in the world. You do NOT have to be exclusively a Golden Girls fan to enjoy Stay Golden, because we only use the girls as a gateway to other pop culture and commentary out in the world. Playlists include:
MASHUPS -- mixing The Golden Girls with the best of pop culture, old and new
GOLDEN LISTS -- curated lists on a variety of topics and ideas
GOLDEN GRADES -- grading and contextualizing every episode (and other topics too!)
IF YOU THREW A PARTY -- DIY and lifestyle recreations from the show
PICTURE IT -- interviews and mini-docs with community members, fans, and creators
GOLDEN GRABS -- curated shopping guides in under 5 minutes of the items you need
GETTING POLITICAL -- using episodes and story lines to relate to today's issues
And more coming!
Stay Golden has been written up by: Nerdist, The A.V. Club, TubeFilter,,, Welcome to Twin Peaks, and more.
You can visit our official website here. That contains all our extra social media, more information, and cool updates.
Did we mention we also host the ONLY Golden Girls Bingo in New York City?
You put your mother in Shady Pines for the night and you, your pals and your confidants watch 3 classic Golden Girls episodes to a special theme. Maybe Flashbacks. Lesbians. Musicals. Blanche's Boudoir. Every month changes.
You play bingo. Win Dorothy’s moist cupcakes. You participate in the super secret St. Olaf games for special prizes. You wear your best Devereaux sequined shoulder pads in case your very own Mr. Burt Reynolds shows up.
TimeOUT NY has listed it as one of the 20 must-do activities in NYC.